
Remote Work Statistics | Insight into the Work From Home Benefits, Drawbacks & Productivity

Remote Work Statistics

No one can cope with the monotony and sterility of office life. After the pandemic, people started craving the freedom of working in a free environment. Working from home is the best solution for employees who migrated from their native city and working elsewhere. You can check the remote work statistics to know more.

Work from anywhere you want and getting those flexible hours have been going on simultaneously since the global pandemic. But, the thought behind is does it affect the turnover rate and productivity level of employees in the industry?

Well, to know about how remote work has impacted globally and in the United States, you must know about remote work statistics. It will show you how the revenues increased and what different industries have been doing to motivate remote employees.

Remote Work Statistics: Key Findings

  1. By 2025, 22% of individuals that is 36.2 million Americans will work remotely
  2. 30% of employees who work from home are more productive
  3. 44% of companies do not allow remote work to any of their employees
  4. At the peak time of the pandemic, 69% of American employees worked
  5. 62% of employees age between 22 to 65 years work remotely
  6. 16% of the companies in the United States work fully remote
  7. 59% of employees choose employers who provide remote work
  8. Millennials and GenZ employees take up to 38% of the workforce which will increase to 58% over the years
  9. 52% of employees believe in doing remote work once every week
  10. Post pandemic 47% of business leaders have been allowed work from home
  11. 8% of men work remotely than women in the US
  12. Half of the time in the US, 4.3 billion people work remotely
  13. 85% of employers believe that remote work will become a new rule
  14. Companies have seen 25% lower employee turnover with remote working option
  15. 74% of employees opt for remote working and stay for a longer time with a company.

What Does Statistics For Working From Home Suggests?

Half of the population gave their reason to work from home was the global pandemic. It has changed the landscape of work dramatically. More people have started opting for working remotely than in-office. Check the following remote work statistics for who works remotely and why.

Remote Work Locations

  1. 77% of employees consider working from home as the best incentive
  2. Parents of 5 years old’s prefer to work from home at least once a week
  3. 84% of remote employees choose to work from home
  4. 72% of employees work outside of the company-owned office in the technology department
  5. 75% of remote workers have an issue that their companies do not pay for the wifi
  6. 46% of employees opt for remote employment because of the pandemic
  7. 30% of workers want to take work from home once per week
  8. 48% of employees state their reason for remote employment as them being the parents
  9. 58% of females ask for remote work
  10. 75% of marketing & advertising companies are more likely to continue being remote companies
  11. One of the top five industries that want to continue the work-from-home concept is information technology (71%)
  12. 69% of art & design industries, 66% of media & publishing companies, and 61% of account & finance companies opt as being remote companies.

How Remote Work Is Perceived? 

Post-pandemic studies reveal that majority of people started preferring remote work over an office job. And there are many possible reasons why. The following stats clearly shows why this is the case and how employees and employers feel about working remotely.

Remote Work Perception

  1. Remote working means less commute on the roads and 28% of greenhouse gas emission in the state is due to transportation
  2. 83% of remote workers state that they are more productive working at home
  3. 77% of employees believe that the operating costs of their company will be reduced due to remote work
  4. 78% of employees choose to work from home to avoid distractions
  5. Company productivity has increased by 27% say the remote employees
  6. 43% of CEOs are ready to provide remote work and flexible work to the workers

How Businesses Made Remote Work More Efficient?

Different industries have started making changes for employees who opt to work remotely. Companies started supporting remote working and different areas have invested in virtual collaborative tools.

  1. 72% of industries have invested in virtual tools for efficient remote work operations.
  2. 70% of remote companies invested in IT infrastructure to secure their virtual connectivity
  3. 64% planned training for managers to manage a successful workforce virtually
  4. 57% of firms made their conference rooms more attractive by enhancing virtual tools
  5. 50% of companies use hospitality applications that serve better to their employees
  6. 48% of companies made communal space in the offices
  7. 45% of organizations have unassigned seating in the office
  8. Industries have started accepting the remote working concept by 87% more than in pre-pandemic

How is Remote Work Beneficial For Employees?

The biggest change that people faced after 2020 was shifting to remote work from office work. It benefited every individual once they started working out the kinks. Check how remote work proved to be beneficial for employees.

Remote Work Benefits

  1. 67% of remote employees can spend their time flexibly
  2. 62% are glad that they can freely choose their working location
  3. 59% feel free as they do not have to commute anymore
  4. 55% can live anywhere they want and work for their company
  5. 48% state that remote work is financially helpful
  6. 44% can focus more on their work while working remotely
  7. 32% of employees feel safe working from home
  8. 29% of remote workers get more career options 
  9. 4% state other reasons for working remotely

As per Job satisfaction statistics, most people actually preferred their work-from-home routine more than office jobs.

Factors Influencing Remote Work

There are various work-from-home companies and people choose to work for those. The meaning of remote work is certainly different for everyone. People started leaving their native places in search of jobs but remote work jobs have made it much easier.

  1. Employees aged between 21-40 migrate 40 times more than the ones older than 40.
  2. To maintain remote work jobs, 70% of employees forfeit various benefits like PTO & health insurance
  3. 58% of remote workers do not hear from their boss
  4. 42% of employees invest $100 to $500 in building up a home office
  5. During virtual meetings, 70% of workers feel it hard to participate in a conversation
  6. 58% of employees who opt for remote work jobs move to suburban areas from urban areas
  7. During the Pandemic, 51% of people took online professional development classes
  8. 73% of remote employees work from their home office
  9. 85% of remote workers believe that people want to work from a home office
  10. 78% of employees are comfortable as they do not have to dress up for their meetings

Remote Work Productivity Statistics

The initial question that might arise while you opt for working from home is what does working remotely mean? Working remotely means employees have to communicate via video or messaging services.

Individuals have to collaborate with their employees online and virtually. It generally came up naturally. It did not affect the productivity of many employees. They found remote work jobs and work-from-home companies more flexible.

Reasons Behind Employee Productivity

  1. Before the pandemic, the productivity of remote working employees was 22.5%
  2. The productivity of employees working from home in 2020 increased by 32.2%
  3. The change that 41% of employees marked was the way they communicated and collaborated with their team
  4. 45% of employees say that their productivity increased whereas 42% of remote workers say they worked equally in the office and at home
  5. According to 70% of employees, working from home jobs prioritize the work that is not done in real-time
  6. 81% of remote working employees are satisfied with the work they do and their productivity
  7. 83% of remote workers that work from home believe that the productivity level has increased and benefited their companies
  8. 52% of employers state that the productivity level of remote workers has improved
  9. The performance of 22% of employees boosted due to the work-from-home option
  10. 94% of employers believe the productivity of their employees was increased or remained the same

Did you know? 62% of employees feel that they do not work remotely as hard as they used to do in the office. 

How do Employees Cope With Remote Work?

Even before the pandemic, the rise of remote workers working from home was tremendous. Remote employment has boosted productivity and people work flexible hours from home. 

The work-from-home statistics have seen a big increase in remote working styles. The different factors that have seen changes due to the remote work statistics are as follows.

eLearning Statistics

  1. According to the remote work statistics 2020, career development is considered most important by 87% of millennials and 69% of non-millennials.
  2. For every $1 invested in E-learning, employees serve $30 in productivity
  3. Employee engagement increased by 18% due to E-learning. Here are some better insights on Employee engagement statistics.
  4. The compliance training of 82% of organizations takes place online
  5. Remote work jobs that invest in career development can gain 94% of employees

Health & Wellness of Employees Stats

  1. Compared to 81.5% of onsite workers, 91.5% of remote workers that work from home participate regularly in wellness programs
  2. 24% of productivity is increased from the remote workers that work from home and are isolated
  3. 91% of employees who marked increased efficiency and productivity continued to engage in wellness activities
  4. 80% of remote workers prioritize mental health and can quit their job due to their current position
  5. 75% of US remote employees faced problems at their remote jobs due to the pandemic. Most people failed to maintain a healthy Work-life balance.

Acquisition & Retention of Employees Statistics

  1. 65% of remote workers desire to work in fully remote companies even after the pandemic
  2. To move forward in the companies, 31% of employees still want a remote environment
  3. 81% of employees would be more loyal to employers if they offer flexible working hours
  4. 57% of remote workers that work from home are more satisfied than 50% working onsite
  5. 13% of employees will work from home than working online

Challenges Employees Face While Working Remotely

There certainly are many benefits for remote workers that work from home. But, along with that they also have to face various challenges.

  1. 43% of employees face connectivity issues
  2. 34% of remote workers fail to solve the technical problem
  3. 32% of employees working remotely do not get the support of IT easily
  4. 25% of workers have to log in to multiple accounts and apps
  5. 25% of remote employees face general technology fatigue
  6. 22% of employees face log-in issues where the account requires multi-factor authentication
  7. 21% of remote working employees restrict from using the corporate devices
  8. 15% of employees have a problem fixing processes that are not broken & 3% have other challenges that they have to face
  9. 28% of employees find work burnout as the biggest challenge
  10. 20% of remote work employees feel hard to cope with loneliness and Virtual team building activities are much needed. 
  11. 18% find unplugging after work as one of the biggest struggles
  12. 7% of employees find it difficult to stay motivated while working remotely

Did you know? Remote employees who choose remote work can save up to 50% of the cost per grand for the company they work for.

How are Employees Adapting to the New Normal Ways?

Apart from the factors influencing and benefits of remote work, here we have listed some additional remote work statistics to give your in-depth information. Check them out in the following.

  1. $4000 is saved per year by an individual who chooses remote work
  2. 14% of remote work employees attended 11 meetings per week
  3. 21% of remote employees are ready to compromise their vacation time if they get flexible working hours
  4. 21% of remote work employees invested in home offices in 2020 which increased the statistics to 42% in 2021
  5. 50% of employees feel lonely while doing remote work once a week
  6. The traffic to download increased to 535% in 2020
  7. 65% of US employees are the only ones who have a fast internet connection
  8. Before the pandemic, only 6% of employees opt remote work
  9. 73% of departments are willing to have remote workers till 2028
  10. 18% of employees do full-time work from home

Future Predictions for Remote Work

The concept of work-from-home was uncertain two years back. Although people were aware of it, it was not that familiar. But now as it has become a new normal, people are voting to continue it even in the future.

The working life of employees is unpredictable but the majority of them are still opting for remote work. The work-from-home stats for the future would surely be different from now.

future of remote work

  1. 97.6% of employees are willing to continue remote work at least once a week for the rest of their careers
  2. 16% of employees are sure that their companies will no longer offer remote work after the pandemic
  3. Less than ⅕ of remote workers state that they want to go back to the office
  4. After the pandemic, 52% of employees opt for a hybrid remote work environment whereas 11% want fully remote jobs
  5. 33% of remote workers will no longer do jobs if they do not get remote work options
  6. 48% of remote employees will not do extra work if remote work is not an option after the pandemic
  7. 15% of employers will allow their employees about being in-office or work remotely
  8. 84% of employees will work from wherever they want in the future
  9. 50% of the Facebook remote working workforce will be more productive by 2030 say the CEO of Facebook
  10. Employers state that their remote companies operate in 2 to 5 different time zones and they will continue to do that

World Wide Statistics for Remote Work

Not only in the US but the new normal also is not so normal globally. Every country across the globe is facing similar issues but also getting benefits. Check the following remote work statistics globally.

  1. 46% of companies based in the U.K. and 65% of the US companies are planning to increase remote work opportunities globally
  2. Employees that want remote work five days a week are Americans (31%), Latin Americans (22%), Europeans (15%), Australians (21%), Asians (15%)
  3. Compare to the companies in South Africa, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea, companies in the USA and the UK are 100% more likely to offer remote work
  4. 25% of employees are willing to change their lifestyle that’s why they change their location to work from
  5. 57% of Australians and 72% of South Koreans would choose to commute from the same place if they did not get remote work
  6. The biggest challenge that 32% of digital nomads face is making connections & 23% face the hurdle of getting a visa
  7. The earning rate from remote work in the United States is $100,000 to $150,000, in the UK they earn 30,000 pounds per annum, in Canada, they earn $84,000, and in South Korea, they earn 40,000,000 to 70,000,000 won
  8. 50% of workers who choose remote work are Millennials
  9. Globally, 16% of companies are fully remote
  10. In the past decade, telecommuting has grown by 115%

Responses & Statistics of Remote Employees Across the Globe

Different remote workers have different takes on working from home. Here are some of the statistics on how employees responded across the world to remote work. You will see there is no big difference in the response rate within a year.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are employees satisfied with remote work?

According to the remote work statistics, 57% of remote workers are more satisfied than 50% of onsite workers.

2. Which factors influenced employees to move and work remotely?

Different factors influenced employees like the quality of life (56%), lower cost of living (45%), and better weather (35%) to employees.

3. Does workplace stress affect employees’ mental health?

76% of employees believe that workplace stress does affect their mental health.

4. What was the productivity growth of employees?

Productivity growth of employees was 7% higher than expected.

5. How much loss do companies face due to workplace distractions?

Companies faced $600 billion per annum due to workplace distraction and the productivity level of employees increased.

6. Are people willing to work remotely even after a pandemic?

Yes, 99% of people are willing to work remotely even part-time.

To Conclude

If you were looking for key areas of how remote work is helpful and what are its benefits the above evidence of remote work statistics will surely be insightful. Your employees are deemed important in this ever-changing world.

Certainly, know-how many remote work jobs are there in the United States and are fully remote companies. The global statistics will also help you compare the latest trends and results with the previous ones.



About Sam Carlson

He is a journalist and an expert in in-depth research in his field of marketing, branding, e-commerce, and much more. He backs his knowledge and love for writing with many accolades in his field. He joined Wholesalehunch in July 2018 as a brand journalist and has been working towards creating awareness through thorough research and listening to people’s opinions.

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